"AI: A Double-Edged Sword! Fraud Threats, Legal Research Flaws, Media Innovations, Apple's Dilemma, and Bizarre Chatbot Behavior"

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"Ai in Marketing with Nytro Marketing" provides insights on how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the world of marketing and beyond. In this episode, we explore AI's dark side as it's exploited by attackers for identity fraud, influence elections and damage critical infrastructure. Then, we delve into academia, where a Stanford University study reveals the fallibility of AI-driven legal research tools. In the PR realm, we'll see how AI technology is levelling the playing field for mission-driven companies to gain media exposure. Anticipate Apple's CEO, Tim Cook's critical moment at the 2024 Worldwide Developers' Conference, and his response to the rising demand for AI integration. We highlight Google’s and Microsoft’s AI chatbots controversial refusal to confirm election results. Wrapping up, we discuss the new social media platform Cara, designed for artists to evade AI-generated content.
"AI: A Double-Edged Sword! Fraud Threats, Legal Research Flaws, Media Innovations, Apple's Dilemma, and Bizarre Chatbot Behavior"
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