AI Sustainability Crisis: Google and Microsoft's Environmental Struggle, OpenAI's Security Loophole, and ElevenLabs' Pitch in Audio Enhancement Market

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"Ai in Marketing with Nytro Marketing" is an enlightening podcast that keeps listeners updated on the latest developments in AI and its intersections with marketing and technology. In this episode, we discuss the environmental effects of the rising demands of AI data centers, digging into the implications for tech giants Google and Microsoft. We move on to exploring new AI audio technology from ElevenLabs and the sudden user surge on Meta's Threads. We delve into AI's role in political disinformation, and examine recent movements in the corporate world with Apple's Phil Schiller joining OpenAI's board. Wrapping it up, we touch on a concerning security flaw in OpenAI’s ChatGPT Desktop macOS application that potentially endangered user's private conversations. Tune in to stay updated and informed about the dynamic world of AI in marketing and beyond.
AI Sustainability Crisis: Google and Microsoft's Environmental Struggle, OpenAI's Security Loophole, and ElevenLabs' Pitch in Audio Enhancement Market
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