Apple's Ad Controversy, Paris' 15-Minute City Revolution, Whale Communication Decoded with AI, OpenAI's NSFW Boundaries, and ElevenLab's Song Generating Tech

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On today's episode of "AI in Marketing with Nytro Marketing," we drive into a plethora of fascinating topics. We kick things off with a discussion on Apple's controversial iPad ad, delving into how they attempts to showcase the creative potential of their latest gadget, and the resulting backlash. We then talk about Professor Carlos Moreno's innovative concept, the "15-minute city", which leverages hyper-local services to improve urban living. Shifting the focus to conservation and communication, we ponder the use of AI to decode sperm whale languages and what this could mean for our understanding of intelligence. Our deep dive into AI continues as we discuss OpenAI's stance on generating NSFW content and the regulatory measures that are in place to prevent misuse of this technology. Lastly, in an exciting turn of events, we talk music and voice AI as start-up company ElevenLabs unveils a model that generates song lyrics from prompts. Join us as we navigate the riveting world of AI in Marketing.
Apple's Ad Controversy, Paris' 15-Minute City Revolution, Whale Communication Decoded with AI, OpenAI's NSFW Boundaries, and ElevenLab's Song Generating Tech
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